a summer full of Mermaids!

August 20, 2019  •  3 Comments

This Spring & Summer has been filled with Mermaid Photo Sessions. Mermaids in Capitola, Mermaids riding Sea Otters, Mermaids in Lake Tahoe, Mermaids at Eagle Falls by Lake Tahoe.

Sharing a few of my favorites, will add more photos in a bit!

Blond mermaids on the sand..

Mama mermaids with their little ones, holding a seashell during our Mermaid Photo Shoot. a little wet from the chilly Pacific Ocean for this photograph.. 

Smiling baby mermiads who were content with just sitting on the sand in her baby mermaid tail, made by The Mertailor... 

Mama Mermaid looking beautiful in a Plumeria tail by FinFolk Productions. I cant wait until I can get some more Finfolk productions Mermaid Tails in front of my lens,

Here is Mama and baby mermaid posing for their photograph on the rocks in Capitola, a little bit of mermaid magic coloring artwork happening on this image below.  The underwater view where you can see the fishes swimming is part of the artwork created from a Mermaid Photo Session. 

This mermaid was willing to get completely soaked by the ocean, as the sunset was sparkling gorgeous pink...

The moon shining in the sky as she sat on a rock. The mysterious moon and Mermaid Artwork go hand in hand. I love it when the photo sessions allow for the addition of Mermaid Artwork to enhance an image. Having been an artist my entire life, my photographs are rarely straight off the camera. I usually take some time to enhance, paint and draw on top of my photographs until I reach the completed artistic result... 

I always envision that Mermaids can make magic and sparkles appear from their enchanted abilities.. This artwork below has some sparkle, enchanted, mermaid magic created with the assistance of Photoshop on top of my original Mermaid Photograph. 

If you had a Shell-Phone into the deep sea, who would you call? My father was a deep sea diver, so if I had a Magic Mermaid Phone to the deep sea on the other side, it would likely be calling him.... 

Mermaid Eyes are filled with dreams...  This image, make-up artist Sarah Donovan had a moment of creativity making the most expressive mermaid eyes.. Below is photography, without so much post-production artwork, more simple in composition. 


Mama Mermaid with her little mermaids lay on the sand for their photo session. Younger Mermaids rarely lay in the waves. 


Awnn... That's sexy... A country calls it, mammy water. Guess the country
<a href="https://www.moneyedugame.com/2022/02/are-mermaids-real.html">Nice article! You might also want to know this about mermaids</a> for real!
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